How to Stop Crack Usage


The decision to stop using crack is possibly the best you will ever make. The recovery process starts with just that decision. Can you really stop? What exactly do you need to do to stop? What happens when you stop? Here, you will find answers to these questions and you will be provided and armed with valuable information on recovery from crack usage.

Can you really stop?

YES! That is the only answer to that question. No matter how long you have been using crack, you can stop and completely kick the habit. People have stopped using crack, gone clean and stayed sober after years of using.

Maybe the question you are asking however is can you JUST stop? Can you quit cold turkey? While the answer to that is yes, you can, the main concern if you SHOULD. If you have been using crack for more than a month, you could have developed an actual, physical dependence on it as well as a tolerance for it. If this is the case, quitting cold turkey can cause severe withdrawal symptoms which are traumatic and can increase your chances of relapse. Even if you have not been using crack for up to a month, quitting cold turkey should not be done without medical supervision and approval.

What exactly do I need to stop?

Here are some of the things you need to have or be ready for, if you are truly going to stop:

  • The first thing you must have in order to stop is the determination to do so. Without this, nothing else matters.
  • You need an environment that is free of things that can trigger you into wanting to use crack.
  • You will also need productive activities that fill up your idle time and take your thoughts off crack. Cravings are time bound and only last for about 3 hours so if you can keep yourself busy with activities you will be able to ride out the cravings.
  • A healthy diet is another thing you will need. Cocaine ravages your body and eating well will help replenish your body’s resources.

How do I stop?

The first to do is to reach out for help. You should consult a professional who could be a therapist, psychologist, doctor or psychiatrist. You could even check into a rehab centre if you do not wish to stay at home for the period. They will guide you through the process and help manage your withdrawal symptoms so they do not overwhelm you. Aside from getting professional help, you can join a local support group, find a sponsor, join an online community or find a network friends. In short, immerse yourself in a system that will keep you on the road to recovery.

What happens when I do?

When you quit using crack, you will go through the detox period and you will begin to experience withdrawal symptoms. They differ from person to person based on factors like their duration of drug use, level of dependence, age, physical health and nutrition. Side effects of quitting may include one or more of the following:

  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Intense cravings
  • Nausea
  • Increased appetite
  • Agitation
  • Sleep problems
  • Concentration problems
  • Hallucinations


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